HTML & Script
Replace the “data-rss-url” with your Course Status URL and add this HTML and SCRIPT where you want the Course Status to show on your site.
<div id="glfr-status-container"></div> <script src="" data-rss-url="" data-show-title="true" data-show-link="true" data-show-date="true" data-show-desc="true" data-show-desc-date="true" data-show-desc-end-date="true" data-img-width="640" data-img-height="480" data-show-img="true"></script>
Scorecard Script
HTML & Script
Replace the “data-guide-id” with your Course Guide ID and add this HTML and SCRIPT where you want the Scorecard(s) to show on your site.
<div id="glfr-scorecard-container"></div> <script src="" data-guide-id="1093" data-agg-hole-num="false"></script>
Course Guide Script
HTML & Script
Replace the “data-guide-id” with your Course Guide ID and add this HTML and SCRIPT where you want the Course Guide to show on your site.
<div id="glfr-course-guide-container"></div> <script src="" data-guide-id="1093"></script>
Ratings Table Script
HTML & Script
Replace the “data-guide-id” with your Course Guide ID and add this HTML and SCRIPT where you want the Ratings Table to show on your site.
<div id="glfr-ratings-container"></div> <script src="" data-guide-id="1093"></script>