Integrate with DGU to turn in your scores

Now it is possible to submit your scorecard for review, directly from GLFR.

GLFR allows you to have your course guide your scorecard in one, and now you can syncronise scores and handicap with DGU.

Connect GLFR to Golfbox

Open GLFR and swipe from left side, to open the menu. Click “Profile” and go to the bottom of the list, where you will see “Manage Connections”.

Choose your Golf Union to make the connection. You can read throught the Terms of Service, and why we need you to accept the connection. You will be prompted to sign in to the Golf Union platform – use your credentials to sign in, and establish the needed connection.

Afterwards we will syncronise your GLFR handicap with the official handicap registered at the Golf Union.

You are now ready to play!

Hand in your scorecard for revision.

You keep track of your scores during the round, just like normal with GLFR.

When your round is finished, you will see that you have two options with your scorecard. Check your scorecard carefully – like always!

You can now save it like normally, or you can choose to send it in for regulation at the golf union.

Choose … and a small window will open. Here you can see your score, and you will need to type the email address of your marker. And that is it – easy!

Your marker will now receive an email with your score and a link to approval of the scorecard. Your marker will be asked to sign in with his union credentials, so he can review and confirm the scorecard. After the review is confirmed your new handicap will be syncronised between the golf union and your GLFR profile. So now you will never need to manage that part manually again.

GLFR is a fantastic help on the course! Not only can you keep score, but also get accurate distances out on the course. It is simple, handy and easy to use.

Have fun with your game and GLFR.

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Jan Wessel Bratterud
    10/05/2020 19:20

    GLFR er fantastisk, og langt bedre enn den elendige appen til Norsk Golfforbund. Det er synd at vi ikke kan få lastet opp scores direkte fra GLFR til Golfbox i Norge!!!!

    • Mange tak!
      Og ja, vi ville rigtig gerne have denne integration til Norge også, men det er desværre ikke muligt i øjeblikket, til trods for at det jo også er GolfBox deroppe, og vi derfor ville være klar meget hurtigt!

  • Einar Sveinsson
    21/07/2024 11:18

    This is no longer working. Have been using this cool feature but it stopped working with some of the new releases. Using the same phone as before. Same courses as well. Nothing changes besides the version of GLFR.
    Sync setting working with golfbox but no scores getting registeres in golfbox. Currently using version 5.1.6


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