New Teesigns – it is easy with GLFR Business
GLFR makes it easy for you to always have updated tee-signs.
You can have the same great graphics at your Teesigns as in the GLFR app, where you have several graphical design options to complement your course design.
You can therefore have new and updated teesigns at a fraction of the normal price, as the graphic design is part of the price in GLFR Business.
Promote your club and sponsors with GLFR Business
Our sponsorship module allows you to sell extra sponsorships in a digital Course Guide, printed Course Guide and at your Teesigns, thereby increasing your revenue.
“At Golf de Roquebrune Resort, we have worked with GLFR for more then 3 years. We of course make our printed course guide with GLFR, and recommend to use the app, but we have also designed new tee-signs with the platform.
With between 13-15.000 guests every year, it is important that everybody know where to play, and how each hole is layed out. We need our guests to have a good experience on the golf course, so we try to make sure they keep their ball in play.
The course guides and the tee-signs make this possible, and the process to produce the signs, and guides, is very easy. We used the same layout as the printed course guide, with the same distance markers, so the work to produce the signs was very small and the end result is very satisfying.”
Mathieu Sevestre, Golf de Roquebrune Resort, France